
Intentions for 2025 (and beyond!)

It’s the third week of February (or “Week 7” according to the Danes) and I’m only just getting my first post of 2025 up. A wow. Well, Happy New Year guys. 

As you can probably tell, it’s been a slow start to the year for me. No lie, January was definitely at least 6 months long for me (like, how does someone have the flu twice in one month?!). I feel like I’ve been waiting for the year to get started, for something to kick off the year for me, but what exactly? I have no idea but I’ve been waiting. And at this rate, we’re nearly mid-Q1, so I need to get my butt into gear and stop waiting around before the whole year passes me by. 

Now if you’ve followed this blog for a while, you will know that we love a good resolution around these parts. Whether it’s beauty, finances, selfcare, or dating, I’ve probably made a resolution about it. Every year, I take some time to reflect on the past year, what I hoped to achieve, what I actually did and the lessons learned. 2025 is no different, even if it’s taken me a bit longer to get clear in my mind on what I want to focus on this year. So, without further ado and in no particular order, here are my intentions for 2025 and beyond:

  1. Gym at least 3x a week including one strength session – *quietly weeps at the thought of doing weights*
  2. Build my community in Denmark – reconnect with existing connections and make new ones
  3. Nurture my relationships outside of Denmark
  4. Add more colour to my wardrobe – give it a full upgrade while I’m at it. I need to apply pressure!
  5. Get back to regular church attendance – no more “Bedside Baptist”; I am a Church Elder after all #iykyk
  6. Blog at least once a month – starting with this post before any of you says “what about January?” mscheww!
  7. Explore at least one other SM platform – keep your eyes peeled for some (hopefully!) exciting new content coming soon!
  8. Start driving again (mainly for when I’m in Nigeria) God dey o!
  9. Wait at least 24 hours before making any “luxury” purchases – I need to get a grip on my impulse control
  10. No skincare or beauty shopping until at least July – unless I’ve run out obvs!
  11. Only date fun and verified people – not just anybody just because they are single please, and absolutely no apps or internet folks. After surviving 2024, I’m not taking God’s protection for granted anymore!
  12. Move house
  13. Not more than 3 takeaway or restaurant meals a week – including McDonalds. *starts crying all over again*
  14. Do some actual professional networking – time to stop procrastinating and hiding behind anxiety *full on wailing now*
  15. These Financial Resolutions

It might not seem like it, but I’m actually excited about most of these — well, at least a few! The ones I’m less than thrilled about are the ones I know I need to tackle, but have been putting off until now. Ugh. But hey, let’s see how it goes. I’m determined to bulldoze through as many of these as I can. They’re gonna get this work!

Click to check out all my other resolutions!