At quarter to forty, I’m particularly pleased to report that I have been enjoying some of my best skin ever. For information, I have oily/combination skin, with hyperpigmentation issues and hormonal acne but I have generally found that a consistent routine and really understanding my skin has helped smooth out and brighten my skin to no end. For the best results on my skin, I realised I can’t use the same products every single day but need to give some space for my skin to breathe, recover and repair. The routine is also more stripped back; gone are the days of the 10 step routines and fifty million products. Now, it’s more of a 3-step routine each morning and night with a variation of one or two products each morning or night. Let’s dive in!

If I’ve gone makeup free that day, I would cleanse using micellar water. But, if I’ve worn makeup during the day, I will first use a cleansing balm or micellar water to take off the makeup, then wash my face. After patting my face dry with my palms (not a towel!), I apply a retinol serum to my damp face – Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil. If my face has already completely dried, I will lightly mist my face before applying the retinol. After the retinol application, I give it about 5-10 mins before applying a night moisturiser and that’s me done for the night.
I wash my face in the morning with a gentle foaming cleanser in the shower and then pat my face dry with my hands. I apply a Vitamin C serum and follow up with a moisturising day cream and SPF. Currently I’m using a day cream which has an SPF which reduces the number of steps in the morning. #winning
Like the day before, I cleanse or double cleanse depending on the makeup situation. Then I’m exfoliating using either Biologique Recherche P50V Lotion or Paula’s Choice 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant. I give the product at least 10-15 mins to do its thing before then applying a heavy duty moisturising night cream, cause I can’t forget my skin barrier.
After washing my face, I will follow up with the Byoma Brightening Serum which contains ceramides, niacinamide and hyaluronic acid (what’s NOT to love?!) then moisturiser and SPF. Super important to keep my face moisturised especially after two days of heavy duty active products (retinol and exfoliating acids).
Today’s focus is on skin barrier repair and general hydration to the skin. As a first step, rinse and repeat on the cleanse or double cleanse as appropriate. Then I’m packing on as much hydration/skin barrier support as possible on my skin. This may be in the form of a hyaluronic acid serum or a niacinamide serum and then a heavy duty moisturising night cream. I’m currently loving the serum and nightcream from the No.7 Future Renew range so these products tend to feature on Day Three of the regimen.
Same as Day Two’s Morning.
If I feel like my skin is feeling particularly dry or irritated, I will repeat Day 3 the following day (a Day 4 if you will) before starting off again with the retinol the day after. No point in having smooth skin but no skin barrier. I haven’t listed all the products I use above simply because apart from the named ones above, the other products change a lot. Yes, I’m a recovering product junkie. For full product reviews, follow my #Empties series on Sundays on Instagram and you can look at 2023 #Empties in my Instagram highlight. I’ll be sharing my hero products of 2023 in my next post but I will leave you with some other observations on my skin and skincare in general from the last 12-18 months:
- 2023 was the year I started using retinol properly and regularly. I had been so scared about having an adverse reaction but finally I found my retinol baes in Olay Retinol 24 Max Night Serum (less potent but a nice starter product for beginners to retinol) and Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil (higher retinol %, therefore more potent and more visible effects).
- I no longer buy expensive facial cleansers; one can get pretty decent facial cleansers from high street brands that are gentle, effective and don’t strip your skin for affordable prices. I prefer to save my money for my treatment products.
- Discovered how amazing niacinamide is to the skin for texture issues, pigmentation issues, acne issues. It really is that chick.
- Nothing delivers glow quite like Vitamin C – tried and loved three different Vitamin C serums last year including Hyperskin (black-owned – yaaasssss!).
- Keeping the skin hydrated is a must in the dry AF winter months but also in the hellfire summer months too so I’m a mist gworl now!
- Nothing beats a good moisturising night cream/mask that will leave you looking plumper than a Sunday roast chicken in the morning.
- Speaking of plump, don’t forget your lips – the Laneige lip sleeping mask should be in EVERYONE’s beauty lineup. “Lip balms are easy self-care” according to my friend, Johane and I couldn’t agree more. Dry, chapped, peeling and/or bleeding lips should not be your look this year or ever!
- Lastly, I’ve finally found an SPF that is not drying, does not pill or leave me looking casket ready. Thank you Ultra Violette!