It’s a crazy world we live in right now and crazy time for all. It’s Day 13 for me living in lockdown here in Denmark and I finally decided I needed to get some content out here and share what I’ve been doing to survive and not climb the walls hahaha! I live on my own and it’s absolutely amazing but in a time of lockdown, it’s not so fun anymore and I have found I need to be deliberate about finding things to do to keep myself busy and not get lonely or anxious or depressed. I thought I would share some tips on things to do to keep your spirits up during the lockdown and how to stay sane. Alongside every tip, I will share what I have ACTUALLY been doing (don’t you judge me!) which I hope will give you a little laugh.
1. Videocall your friends and family as often as possible. Don’t feel ashamed of your loneliness; they understand that once you have been set free of the lockdown, this behaviour will stop and they should be grateful for your time. Seriously though, it’s important to stay connected especially being on your own. I have chatted for hours with friends, cooked collectively with friends (all in our different homes) and prayed with family.
2. Read all those books you’ve wanted to read but never got round to. ALTERNATIVELY….be like me and just read the first chapter or even the back covers and then move them around on the bookcase. It’s almost the same. I’ve written about my struggles with reading as an adult so check it out if you struggle too!

3. Catch up on Netflix and cruise through all those shows on “My List”. ALTERNATIVELY…you can do what I have done, almost everyday – started a show and then fallen asleep or turned it off because it got boring. Seriously, season 1 of “You” was so good but I am yet to make it past episode 3 of season 2 because it has become so ridiculous. Anyone else with me?
4. Pray and meditate. No alternative here; use this time to make your peace with The Almighty.
5. Clean and tidy up your house. I am vacuuming every other day. I don’t know if this is a bit OCD or not enough. I’m not scrubbing the bathroom and kitchen everyday though but the vacuum cleaner is now my bestie. I’m worried and I think my neighbours are too.
6. Redecorate your house. Every other day is the Great British Interior Design Challenge Chez Bids & Grace right now. Well…it’s more like I brought out all the paintings I wanted to put up, lined them up on the floor, then closed the door of the room and went to another (exhibit A below).

7. Do all those odd jobs you’ve been putting off. Stop procrastinating about how you’re never home; now you’re never out so hey! ALTERNATIVELY…Continue to procrastinate like me. It’s just I really do need to figure out how to change the vacuum cleaner bag asap with all the vacuuming I’ve been doing. Help!
8. Declutter. Go through your stuff including your wardrobe and get rid of everything that no longer fits or is no longer needed. ALTERNATIVELY… I’ve taken this as an opportunity to do a fashion parade for myself every couple of days…and it’s only been 13 days so far!

9. Try out new cooking recipes in the kitchen – especially if you’re like me and cooking is not your forte, here is a chance to attend the illustrious culinary school of Cordon YouTube and then you can wow people after lockdown like you’ve had a secret Michelin star all your life. Just try to avoid any fire incidents (like don’t put your butter in the microwave in the plastic packaging – see Exhibit B below). Remember that gatherings above a certain number are prohibited so if you set off your smoke alarm, it’s a quandary on whether you can go outside. I mean, you could gather outside and then get coronavirus from someone who was supposed to be self-isolating. Alternatively, you could stay indoors but it would be a shame if it was smoke inhalation that took you out instead of corona. Either way, you lose.
10. Get moving and do some exercise. I was a regular at the gym before the lockdown and losing that routine kind of threw me for a loop. Until I found the Body Combat classes online (join me!) which I started last weekend. I refuse to go back to work looking like a roly poly. If you’re not up for regimented workouts, just dance dance dance! My neighbours must be sick of soca and afrobeats but please ask me if I care!
11. Finetune your skincare regimen. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you should have busted skin. Here’s the time to really find out what products are working for you and those that you should just put to the side and give up on. So far, I have found a new skincare gamechanger that I will be sharing about soon. Hint – it’s a cleansing tool! Click to read about my other Skincare Game Changers
12. Blog/Create content. This!!!! I definitely am going to try and post more especially since I don’t have anything else to do!
Feel free to share this with someone living on their own to make them smile! What have you been doing to keep yourself entertained during this crisis?