
Happy Holidays and Best of 2019

2019 has been an awesome year. In many ways, it was not as momentous as 2018 (which saw me move country, job, and home!); this year was less transition and more of settling down (or at least trying to!). I may not have been as active on the blog as I would have liked to be, but trust that I was still out here living my best life travelling, eating, working and just generally living. Right now, it’s family time for me and I have been thoroughly enjoying the downtime but I couldn’t leave you guys without at least one final post in the year. So here are some favourite posts in the past year to keep you occupied till I get back. Enjoy!


Adulting at Disneyland Paris

The joy of a getaway without the pressure of blogging

First time at Trinidad Carnival


2019 Money Resolutions

20 Tips for a First Time Property Buyer


My Skincare game changers

15 essentials for your 4C hair arsenal

10 free ways to improve your skin


5 ways to get back into reading

10 things that spark joy

I have so many ideas and plans for the blog so here’s hoping that 2020 will see me implement at least some of them. I hope it’s been an absolutely brilliant year for you all, rounding it up with a fantastic holiday celebration. We’re off into the new year shortly and I for one can’t wait! Mwah!