The buzzword for the moment is self-care and whilst I hate buzzwords, I do agree with the principle of this one. I’m at a point in my life where it has never been more important to ensure I am looking after my number 1 player – myself! Reading this post inspired me to think about the things that spark joy in my life and below is the ten point list I came up with:

- When public transport is running smoothly especially if I get a seat on the train/bus, or no traffic on the roads (looking at you Lagos!)
- Anytime my hay fever tablets are not needed – you guys know my struggle with allergies is so real!
- A great skin day – waking up with smooth, soft skin is the best feeling ever.
- Finding a great buy at a market or the shops
- Just sitting and catching up with family and/or friends and whiling the time away – doesn’t have to be a party #noteverydayturnup
- Kanelsnegl or any other cinammon-based dessert/pastry
- Pretty much any Stevie Wonder/Soca/Afrobeats/90s R’n’B song – which will usually be the precursor to a dance party in my living room
- The feeling before and after beauty treatments (not during though!) – whether it’s getting my nails done, my hair did or even a freaking Brazilian wax (the caveat being that these treatments tend to spark pain before the return of the joy!)
- My nephew’s face – literally seeing him just makes everything better in my world
- Getting 7 hours sleep and waking up feeling rested

What sparks joy for you? Chime in the comments below!