
Goals for Summer 2019

Summer is finally upon us and I cannot wait to get into it. I have made a small but hopefully achievable list of goals for what I want to achieve this summer. Ready ready ready? Let’s go!

Read 2 books – I have at least two weeks where I will have no work and nothing to do except catch up with friends and work my way through the huge pile of books on my bookshelf. At least 2 should be doable right? Let’s see.

Go to the park regularly (hay fever be damned) – Fam, I refuse to be held hostage by my allergies this summer. Frankly, the sunny moments have been few and far between thus far in Denmark so I will not be staying in when the sun finally comes out. Bun that! I might be doped up on my allergy pills but trust, I will have at least one park/picnic session!

Al fresco dining and brunches – Remember my resolve to get outdoors above? Well part of that is to enjoy some al fresco dining and picnics, the whole lot. And I want to brunch. I want it all!

Go to an outdoor gym/workout session – my new thing when I go away for more than a weekend is to try and ensure I get some regular exercise in. This is just to keep on track with my normal routine even while I’m away so I don’t have to start all over again when I get back. To be honest, if I do just one session, I will already be winning!

See friends – This time, my vacation is going to be centred around friends rather than family. I see my family a lot but I find that my friends end up getting the crumbs of whatever time I have left. So this time, I am prioritising visiting friends and catching up with them. Family time will be a bit later in the year.

Have a museum/gallery day in London – Spoiler alert, my holidays will be in the UK, no exotic far-flung escapes for me. And I’m super excited about it. I can’t wait to play tourist, going round the sites and museums during the day whilst everyone else is at work or away. I cannot wait!

Where are you off to and what’s on your bucketlist for Summer 2019?Share in the comments!