
Am lovin’ it: February Faves

Considering February is the shortest month in the year, it was jam-packed with so much goodness! Gosh! Let’s dive straight in!

A lot of new year resolutions revolve around decluttering and clearing stuff out, living on less and all that jazz and one show that focuses on this is Tidying with Marie Kondo on Netflix. Am I the only one who has started folding my clothes and putting them in my drawers standing? I am also assessing what gives me joy and what needs to go, whilst remaining thankful for the role it has played thus far in my life.

Scam season – I watched the Fyre festival documentary on Netflix and genuinely, I can’t believe what a 419 conman Billy McFarlane was. And probably still is. What I’m still not clear on is whether Ja Rule was in on the fraud or not but bruh…I have questions. So many!

At the start of the year did anyone read the words of a French author who said that women over a certain age are simply “invisible” to him. This article by Garance Dore is a fantastic response to that foolishness stating why she doesn’t need to be seen by such a man. Enjoy!

This dress

The Good Place – My friend suggested this to me and said it would be a good laugh…and boy was she right. Regardless of what your faith may be, I think it’s a very funny and insightful show that makes the viewer give some real thought to what constitutes a good person and a bad person and whether bad people can become good people with the proper guidance. I won’t say more. Watch it!

It was another single Valentine’s Day for me but it was an amazing one. I enjoyed a beautiful Galentine’s with one of my closest friends who came over to spend the weekend with me. Sade’s article on If you’ve been asking God why you’re still single was also pretty timely. Have a read if you’re asking the same like I have been.

Speaking of singleness, I did also enjoy Charlemagne’s rendition of the Single Girls’ Prayer. Disregard Charlemagne’s foolishness and tell me the words don’t make sense, cos they made a whole lot of sense to me!

The Breakfast Club interview with Killer Mike really challenged me – I absolutely see the merits of Killer Mike’s arguments but Envy is spot on wanting to give his kids the best advantages he can seemingly through private education. After watching the interview, I went straight to Netflix to check out Trigger Warning with Killer Mike. Another must watch!

This really interesting article on whether bloggers are still relatable.

Finally, I loved this video from Patricia Bright talking about how she paid off her mortgage. Listen, I’m not trying to stay locked up in debt for the next 20 years so watch and learn. Also have a look at my 2019 money resolutions for some inspiration on how to be financially smart this year.

What have you been loving lately? Shout in the comments below!

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