
Am lovin’ it: December Faves

I’m still trying to hold on to the last of the Christmas holiday feels because well, why not right? Hopefully you guys had an awesome holiday break too. Here are some of my favourites from December. Have at it!

I absolutely love these 10 reminders from Bianca Bass for anyone who feels lost. I read this just before the New Year and I think it couldn’t be a more perfect read at the start of the year.

This article. Anyone who has tried endured online dating can relate to this article. Sooooooo true. Ugh!!!!!!! But hilarious too. Have a good laugh!

This amazing talk on feeling confused about your calling is just so good. So GOOD.

I shared my Money Resolutions for 2019 (click HERE to read them) and this video on money beliefs that keep one broke was also really helpful in giving me some food for thought on the way I deal with money. What do you think?

I really want to expand my local social network this year and this article was so insightful and helpful on tips on how to develop friendships as an adult. Adult friendships really are such hardwork especially in a foreign locale but hey ho, we live to fight another day.

This article that is so honest and open about the author’s breakup and people’s reactions to it. So many truths in this article about being single as an “older” lady, societal pressure as well as inadvertent pressure from well-meaning friends etc.

Lessons in Homeowning. Oh my gosh this article. I think I can relate to every single point or “lesson” she mentions. Especially the “budget and budget again” point. Buying property is also very much a journey of self-discovery. I’m still learning and discovering!

The ConTENtment Commandments – Another incredible talk from Steven Furtick on how to truly live in a state of contentment.

Lastly these 22 ways to make your holiday awkward. This article is SERIOUSLY hilarious and really really UNWISE!!!!!!!!! Don’t try this at home or anywhere else for that matter. Happily, I am sharing after the holidays so you can’t destroy your life and blame me!

Those are my faves, what have you been loving in the past month and over the Christmas break? Shout in the comments!