Location: Aarhus, Denmark
Grace how you doing? Grace is braided up right now. When I tell you about the struggles I have endured trying to keep Grace looking fresh and clean…Lawd! I tried getting my hair braided here in Denmark. Massive FAIL! The experience was so painful (figuratively and LITERALLY!!!) that honestly, I’ll just save my coin and regularly schedule a flight to London until Grace grows out enough for me not to need the braiding on the regular. I’m kind of over the short hair look and now I just want my hair to grow so I’m gonna keep braiding whilst hoping that, fingers crossed, early next year, I can start styling my own hair again.
Wearing: My uniform for Summer 2018 has been anything light, airy, breathable, sweatproof and usually white – click HERE for my post on white dresses being the uniform for Summer 2018. As an aside, Summer 2018 has been so freaking amazing that it really deserves its own post. That will be forthcoming, promise!
Food cravings: Dodo gizzard. I had it for the first time in ages a few weeks ago and remembered just how much I love it (not that I forgot!). I need to learn how to make it but first I need to learn how to ripen plantain. I bought plantain here in Denmark and it’s been green for 2 weeks! HELP!
Listening to: Machel Montano – trying to get into soca music in preparation for Trinidad
Looking forward to: Autumn in Denmark. After such a glorious summer, I am ready for autumn now, first for the fashion but also for the shorter days. I never thought I would say that but then I had never lived in a place where during the summer months the sun would rise at 4.30am and set around 10.30pm. And I don’t have curtains. I’m ridiculous but whatever, I need my sleep back.How I’m doing on my goals and Forty By Forty: (click HERE to read my Forty By Forty bucketlist)
Goals from last Checking In – Go to the gym twice a week (whenever possible); find a church; start learning Danish classes.
I’ve been doing the gym twice, thrice and sometimes even four times a week. Check me out. Still haven’t lost any weight though…side eye! But at least I’m putting the work in, so hopefully the results will become evident in due course.
I think I’ve found a church…I’ve been twice now and I really like it. The main challenge with my search is the fact that most places have services in Danish (no duh!). Maybe this will spur me on with my Danish language classes. Believe me, I need the encouragement.
Speaking of which, learning Danish is not for the fainthearted. At least, it’s not for me but it’s got to be for me. I have to do this. I have quit my Danish classes twice now and I’m close to quitting the third course that I signed up for. Ugh! The stress, it’s so painful. But I can do this. Yes I can! Help!
Goals for the next four months: (1) Stick with my Danish course – must not quit! Must not quit! MUST NOT QUIT! (2) Complete the first module test on my Danish language course (3) Start reading again and not fall off the wagon with my Bible in a year reading, eek!