
Allergic to summer

I’m a self-proclaimed sunbaby. I live for hot weather, I love summer and I discovered in recent years that I actually really like being outdoors. The problem with that is that I also have pretty acute hay fever and whilst I have been loving the early onset of summer here in Denmark, I’ve been reminded on a daily basis of how strongly I appear to be allergic to European summer. It’s not like I’ve always had hay fever, but it’s been around for the best part of my adult life and doesn’t seem to be getting better; in fact, it seems to be getting worse. Waking up with eyes glued shut, wheezing, yakking up phlegm, sneezing until nosebleeds are par for the course, eyes itching until you want to literally rip them out of their sockets and rubbing ears for relief from the scratchy sinus. That’s my daily reality. When it gets really bad, I’m basically battling conjunctivitis (eye infection) and flu like symptoms. After Northside last week, I was basically bedridden with the flu for the days afterwards. But thankfully, the rains have returned and put me out of my misery. I’m probably the only person in Denmark that has been celebrating the constant downpour this last week but a girl has got to live. Not sure what to do in my predicament. I’ve taken all sorts of medications including a Polish one that seemed to work for a time but then I started doubling up and then…yeah. I’ve tried nasal sprays, eye drops, I’ve even tried drinking nettle tea (apparently somehow that works but didn’t for me!) and I drink Lemsip like it’s on tap. I even want to try acupuncture. I wear sunglasses at night and tell people they are medicated lenses so they don’t see the Hulk transformation of my eyes. Anyone got any tips for how I can survive the European summer? Help!!!! Feel free to share what you do to combat your hay fever allergies, all tips are welcome!