To truly experience Lagos, you cannot avoid a visit to Lagos Island which, in my humble opinion, is the cultural and historic centre of Lagos. It’s probably the oldest part of modern day Lagos as we know it and outside of Badagry, hold the last vestiges of colonial Lagos. The thing about Lagos Island is that it’s got a bit of a bad rep no wholly unjustified but not enough to put one off going. And I really wanted to go. So I did and here are a couple of snaps from my little walkabout.
Tafawa Balewa Square The keke life – as frustrating and annoying as they are to drivers, they are the most quickest and effective way of getting round Lagos Island
City Hall
Holy Cross Cathedral
Strategising by Freedom Park – for my post on Freedom Park, click HERE
Trying to get THE shot of Cathedral Church of Christ – another beautiful cathedral which is one of the jewels of Lagos Island. And I am lucky enough to have been baptised there…maybe I’ll head back for my wedding ;p
And of course, man pikin must chop and where better to do that than at the legendary Chorppytoz on Catholic Mission Street?
I’ll definitely be going back and regularly – I’m supposed to be spending the next couple of months in the area anyway so soon I will know it like the back of my hand and be able to give you a bit more information on the history and culture. Till then, enjoy the photos!