First Sunday best post of the year woo hoo! And it also happened to be the day I got started on working towards achieving one of my New Year’s resolutions. Even better! Here I was, all dressed up and date-ready, only to find out I was completely inappropriately dressed for what was planned. Well, how was I to know that a drum lesson awaited me?!
The drum lesson was a belated Christmas gift and a super way to kickstart my resolution to learn the drums this year. My heart was exploding inside my chest, and I was seriously going crazy with excitement in my mind. Which obviously translated to me being super awkward outwardly cos obviously I was trying to keep it together and not look crazy (don’t think I was successful on that front). So chuffed about the lesson and super excited about drumming!
p.s. As a complete aside, I’m really starting to get used to my haircut. On the days that I feel like I could pass for a teenage boy, my response is to dress super girly as I did on this occasion, almost to compensate for my lack of hair haha! I think it’s kind of working…hmmm…
Wearing: Dress – Tailormade; Sandals – ASOS; Bag – similar HERE; Sunnies – Quay Australia

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