There are days when it seems like a higher power takes over the day and totally overrules your plans. This particular Sunday, I didn’t have any plans apart from maybe to just spend the day in bed perhaps feeling a little sorry for myself. My sister was having none of it. I cried off going to church because of a stomach ache, to which she responded by arriving at my house and forcing me into her car, off to church with her. Then, on our way home afterwards, we were invited to lunch where I made some lovely new friends and thoroughly enjoyed the “breaking bread” experience. After lunch, we were off to a family friend’s birthday party which was basically a session of laughs.
Nothing that happened on this day was planned. I’m convinced that God decided He needed to take control of the day otherwise…I dunno ha! I’m not the most flexible person – I need to plan everything, so as you can imagine, I’m not great with surprises! I am trying to be better at being flexible, and its days like this which turn out to be the most beautiful of surprises that make me want to be more open and flexible with planning and living my life. Have a wonderful week!
Wearing: Shirt – Bellfield; Skirt – Chicwish; Shoes – ASOS; Bag and sunnies – Vintage