Hi guys!

Hanoi, Vietnam (September 2011)
I hope you are having a fantastic week so far! It’s been an awesome week for me and I am so excited because not only did I get Monday off but I also have a half day on Friday! Yay!!! You’re probably wondering what has got me so hyper right now. Well… Friday marks the beginning of SIX WEEKS OF TRAVEL for me! I am beyond psyched right now!!!!!!
On the itinerary we’ve got Germany; we’ve got the good ol’ USA; and finally we’ve got South Korea. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *that’s me screaming with glee by the way!
I’m very excited and I really hope you guys will follow Grace and I on these various adventures. I will do my best to stick to normal post scheduling of Wednesdays and Sundays but the timetabling may slip depending on wherever I am in the world at that particular time.
Please do keep an eye on the blog for new updates – you can subscribe by email, follow on WordPress, Facebook, on Instagram and on Twitter too! I really appreciate all your support in following the blog and love to hear from you so please do drop me a line in the comments or by any of the above means!
Lots of love
Bids & Grace