Hi guys!
I hope you’ve been having an awesome week thus far. I just wanted to share my joy with you at the arrival of my gorgeous nephew!
If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter (and if you don’t, you should! ;D), you would have seen on Sunday that the reason for my lack of posting was because I was celebrating his arrival. I still am ha!
God is truly amazing! My nephew is evidence of His endless mercy and grace and bountiful blessings. I really can’t express fully just how happy I am to see him, so I shall stop gushing here and get back to cuddling him.
Before I do, as this is supposed to be a blog dedicated to hair, I thought I would share a pic of his. His curls are RIDICULOUS!

Aren’t they gorgeous?
Enjoy the rest of your week and I’ll be back to blogging business as usual on Sunday.
Lots of love!