Well January just flew by didn’t it? I mean it’s already February, a twelfth of the year is already gone. Eek! Well it was also a jam-packed month full of resolutions and good intentions, and whilst I was not necessarily able to keep up with everything I resolved to do, I’ve been putting in the work. In the meantime, check out what I’ve been loving in January.
Unless you have been under a rock you cannot have missed the clips and the memes of the Soulja Boy Breakfast Club interview – just die laughing.
This thought provoking article on why white people need to realise that niceness is just not enough to solve the issue of racial inequality.
Love THIS ARTICLE by Damsel in Dior on how to maintain friendships in your 30s. I’ve talked about how I’m trying to meet new people and make new friends in my new home but at the same time, I’ve realised I can’t neglect my existing friendships. But sometimes it’s so hard to keep up!

Everyone is talking about millennial burnout but read THIS ARTICLEto see how black burnout looks (and why black women don’t have the luxury to be burnt out!).
This powerful talk by Dharius Daniels, whoa! Just whoa! It was life-changing and so necessary for me. Truly. We all need to quit the blame game, own our ish and move on with our lives.
I read THIS ARTICLE and reflected on my need for an Instagram husband – where are you boo? I will share my light with you!
A list of 48 books to read by authors of colour – go forth and support!

New Year and everyone’s talking about ways to jolt creativity, including THIS ARTICLE!
I mentioned the Soulja Boy interview earlier. Having said that, the L’il Duval interview comes in at a close second for laughs too. Pure hilarity!
Those are my faves for January – what have you been loving this past month
Feature photo credit: letsgoyesterday.com